KISWCD Bursary/Scholarship programme for needy students
The KISWCD bursary Scheme generally aims at overcoming barriers which hamper access to our programmes.
Enhance access to KISWCD Programmes by the youth from poor households by those that are needy including the marginalized groups in ASAL areas, urban slums as well as the rural poor. The scheme aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Ensure Gender balance in our programmes by targeting girls from poor backgrounds
- Enhance the participation of OVCs in our programmes
The bursary programme targets the following groups:
- Youths with special needs.
- Youths from poor households in ASAL areas and urban slums.
- Girls from poor families
- Students from families with meager incomes
- The destitute or OVCs
- Orphans whose guardians earn meager incomes
The allocation of KISWCD bursaries will be based on the following guidelines:
- An application form for a KISWCD Bursary will be supplied to the potential beneficiaries free of charge.
- They will be available at KISWCD offices or they will be downloaded from institutions’ website.
- KISWCD will also advertise the Bursary programme through the media, circulars to DEOs, Churches, CBOs and NGOs and through the Provincial Administration.
- Beneficiaries must be enrolled in KISWCD (for continuing students) to qualify for bursary application.
- For new applicants, they must posses an admission letter from KISWCD.
The Bursary Committee will be charged with the responsibility of processing application forms
- They will decide on the proportion of funds to be allocated to each student.
- The Committee will put in place a monitoring and evaluation process.
- They will evaluate and recommend to the Management those to be awarded the bursaries.
- KISWCD Management will award the bursaries to the deserving students.
- The decision of the management will be final.
- The list of beneficiaries shall be displayed by the institution on the notice boards and on the website.
Category 1
Full tuition fees
Category 2
Kshs 20,000 to cover tuition expenses
Category 3
Kshs 10,000 to cover tuition expense
Category 4
Kshs 5,000 to cover tuition expenses
The following will not be covered by the bursary.
- Accommodation
- Local traveling
- External examination
- Applicants must have attained a minimum of C- mean grade in K.C.S.E for Diploma and D+ in K.C.S.E for certificate courses.
- Applicants MUST have an admission letter from the Institute.
- They must be from families with meager incomes or the destitute or OVCs
- All levels of courses will benefit from the bursary scheme.
- Applicants must show prove that they are capable of financing their upkeep expenses.
- To qualify for consideration, applicants must fill in the bursary application forms and submit letters of recommendations as requested in the form.
- Beneficiaries must be individuals of high moral character.
- Beneficiaries must be willing to finish the course
- The student must adhere to and observe all conditions stipulated in the Institution’s academic policy and code of conduct.
- The beneficiary must conform to all the requirements, rules and regulations of the scholarship award failure to which scholarship will be discontinued.
- Sponsorship caters for Tuition and Textbooks only.
To ensure that the process is transparent enough;
- Bursaries will be awarded immediately to identified students.
- All those who have benefited will be displayed on notice boards at the institution and on the website
- Those who do not take up their positions will have to forfeit their bursaries.
- Completed forms should be submitted by the applicants to KISWCD for processing.
The bursaries will be awarded every semester. The bursary programme will be reviewed from time to time to match the ever changing economic trends.
The institution reserves the right to discontinue the bursary on matters relating to gross misconduct and/or extreme cases of indiscipline from the recipient.